6 milestones for 6 months

My nephew has made it to be 6 months old!  I was moving the weekend he turned 6 months and around that time he was just getting home from the hospital visits from his random swelling and allergic reactions. So even though I am celebrating a little late, I would like to celebrate by sharing 6 of Avery’s milestones. He went home to FL with hospice and just to think here we are a few months later and the little guy is soaring! He has been off of hospice home health for over a month. Celebrate Avery’s milestones with us!

He is growing and getting chunky

He is starting to suck

He rolls from his back to his tummy

His brain development is improving consistently

He recovered well from his G tube surgery {the tube is no longer through his nose but through his tummy}


So I close out this post with a simple. Thank you!!!! Thank you all who have carried Avery in your prayers and hearts. Thank you Jesus for your faithfulness to your promises. From our entire family, My sister Jennifer, her husband Omy, My parents, Genesis, and me and Adam. We thank you all!

Continue to keep Avery in your prayers because they are working! His allergy test results came back and he has been diagnosed with an allergy to “mammal” milk. My sister is in a tough place considering she has been giving him her milk and he has yet to have a side effect. He has been back on her milk for about 2 weeks. They are telling her its not safe because he is in danger of going into anaphylactic shock. Which can lead to death. I believe Avery has been healed from this allergy! Keep praying for this little warrior! Thanks guys!